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Nature vs. Nurture: Is Addiction Hereditary?

Nature vs Nurture Is Addiction Hereditary

If a parent or sibling abused alcohol or drugs, does that increase the likelihood that another family member will develop an addiction problem? Science says it can, but there are also other factors at play that influence whether someone has a higher risk of substance abuse.

The Genetic and Environmental Components of Addiction

The National Institute on Drug Abuse categorizes addiction as a disease that is influenced by both nature and nurture. A person’s overall health—whether addiction-related or otherwise—is the result of interactions between their genes, environment, and lifestyle, including diet, physical activity, and stress levels.

Substance Abuse: A Personal Choice?

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, studies of families, including twins and adopted children, reveal that an individual’s risk of substance abuse is proportional to their genetic relationship to a person who has an addiction.

Beat Addiction at Its Source, Whatever That May Be

People who have a substance abuse problem are not destined to suffer from the side effects of drugs and alcohol forever.

Beachside Rehab in West Palm Beach, Florida, offers inpatient and outpatient detox, rehab, and holistic recovery. Call today at 866-349-1770 to speak with a trained admissions counselor.


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