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Celebrating the Small Stuff

Celebrating the Small Stuff

You already know not to sweat the small stuff. But do you know to celebrate the small stuff? Not everything you do has to be earth shattering, but if what you’re doing is showing even a small improvement, then you should celebrate it.

Write a “Done” List

You’re likely used to writing a to-do list, but have you tried a done list? Take a few moments in the morning or evening to write down what you’ve accomplished in the past 24 hours. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant—what matters is you did it.

If you put the laundry away, write it down. Did you get to that appointment with a few minutes to spare? Write it down and pat yourself on the back. These little wins will put you in the right mindset and allow you to tackle bigger and bolder tasks.

Rethink Your Resolutions

The new year is naturally a good time to reflect on the past and get focused on future goals and aspirations. But that doesn’t mean you’ve got to tackle everything on your list at first. Instead of approaching your resolutions as a laundry list of self-improvement, take it step by step and focus on one goal at a time.

For example, if you resolve start an exercise regimen in the new year, don’t aim for seven days of workouts each week. Instead, start off by aiming for 30 minutes of activity every other day. Once you achieve that goal, add another day to your schedule. You’ll soon build up an exercise habit that’s right for you.

Avoid Comparison

Social media makes it all too easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing (or trying to make it look like they are doing). If you find yourself going down the internet rabbit hole and start comparing your progress to others, you’ll find yourself stalled in your tracks.

Don’t compare your starting line to someone else’s finish. What’s more? Staring at your phone or tablet isn’t allowing you to work on your own goals. If you want to make a resolution that will actually serve you this year, make a pact to spend less time scrolling and more time doing.

New Decade, New You

Fresh starts are always exciting but don’t put so much pressure on yourself to hit the ground running on January 1. Ease yourself into the new year and give yourself grace when you fall short or make a mistake. Each day is a new start, which means you’ve got 366 chances—yes, 2020 is a leap year!—to celebrate your ever-improving self.

If you’d like to know more about other tools and resources that are helpful to you or your loved ones in recovery, contact our trained admissions counselors at 866-349-1770.


Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash



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