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6 New Year’s Resolutions For Those in Recovery

Setting intentions for a new life, a new year, and a new you is something many people feel obligated to do on January 1st. When you’re in recovery, you are already hard at work changing major elements of your life to usher in a healthier you—is there room to do more? Absolutely. Whether daily, permanent, or temporary resolutions, these suggestions are measures you will want to take and goals you can reach with great success.

1. Journal

One of the best ways to face your temptations and resolve to keep them at bay is by writing down your thoughts. You will better understand your emotions, thought processes, and triggers—and you will be more accountable to yourself if you put your goals and feelings in writing. Journaling is an especially powerful tool during the down time between meetings with your sponsor or group or therapy. Resolve to write about whatever you’re thinking or feeling at least once a day.

2. Exercise

Many people resolve to lose weight in the new year, to shed pounds and change how they look and, perhaps, who they are. When you take the focus off the number on the scale, you do your body a big favor: Exercising for the sake of moving your limbs and releasing natural endorphins is a gift to anyone in recovery.

Get outside in the fresh air for a walk, concentrate on your breath with gentle yoga, strengthen your resolve with bodyweight training—your exercise efforts don’t have to be about weight loss, but merely about making yourself feel good so you can be healthy. Resolve to move a little bit every day.

3. Create

Art therapy is one arm of holistic rehab that helps people examine their motivations and thoughts on a deeper level. For people who have a hard time verbalizing their feelings, it can be beneficial to put them into a visual form.

When you choose to create something every day, you’re putting your energy and thoughts into a healthy way to spend your free time, without drugs or alcohol. Whether you pursue a hobby on your own or take lessons, whether you work solo or with others, you are creating every time you make a meal, stitch a needlepoint, play an instrument, or paint a picture. Resolve to find an interest that you are passionate about and allow yourself to nurture it.

4. Practice Kindness

Random acts of kindness are not only good for the recipient, they’re even better for the giver. When you struggle with sobriety, it is all-consuming. It’s difficult to focus on the people around you, whether family, friends, or strangers. When you are in recovery, make it a priority to rediscover what it feels like to be of service to others.

Whether you volunteer, buy coffee for the person behind you in line, help someone carry their groceries, or paint kindness rocks and leave them around the neighborhood, every thought that takes you out of your own head and makes you look at the needs and happiness of others is healthy. Resolve to perform a random act of kindness every day.

5. Ask for Help

While sobriety is a very individual journey, it does not happen in a bubble and you do not have to go through recovery alone. In luxury rehab, you will be supported every step of the way, but you will eventually leave holistic rehab and live in the world as a newly sober person. There will be temptations and setbacks and knowing who you can turn to for support is key. Whether you need a ride to therapy, are feeling the urge to use, or are lonely, call a friend. Connect with others so you aren’t left to your own devices. Resolve to ask for help when you need it.

6. Do Your Best

You don’t need to make New Year’s resolutions when you’re in recovery. You’re already giving yourself the biggest gift you can by focusing on sobriety. But it doesn’t hurt to focus on the good things, set goals, and reward yourself when you achieve them.

Change takes time, and the most important goal to set for yourself is to make progress—without demanding perfection. In holistic therapy, it’s understood that simply getting through the day sober is the biggest success you can have. If resolutions help make this a reality, they’re worth your time, energy, and effort. Resolve to simply do your best.

Get the ongoing support you need in recovery from the therapeutic team at Beachside Rehab. Contact our trained admissions counselors at 866-349-1770 to discuss your individual needs and how luxury rehab can work for you.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
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