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Best Foods to Supplement Sobriety

When you are on the path toward sober living, changes in your lifestyle and habits become part of the program. While in the thick of your addiction, paying attention to good nutrition may have been on the back-burner. Eating well was secondary to getting that next fix, and your body was lacking in nutrients and nourishment. Even if you somehow managed to eat relatively well, there is always room to improve, especially during this critical time. The healthier you are, the better equipped you will be to stay clean for the long haul.

Certain foods are especially nutritious, easily accessible for most, and add a world of goodness to a well-balanced diet. From immune-boosting benefits to overall improvement in bodily functions and smoothly operating systems, when you add these items to your grocery list, you will be well-fed and feeling energetic and excited for what the future holds.

Leafy Greens

Vitamin-dense, fiber-rich, and low-calorie, leafy greens are a go-to when it comes to a daily staple that’s full of freshness. Kale is especially nutritious, along with spinach, Swiss chard, and arugula. With antioxidants galore in every crunchy, crisp forkful, these greens provide plenty of punch without packing on the pounds.

Not only do leafy greens help with weight management and good digestion, but they have been shown to maximize mental health. Kale contains Omega-3s, which are associated with brain health, providing the benefit of staying focused during this understandably stressful and significant time. When you are more productive, you may be less inclined to revert back to past destructive habits and hardships.

Make it your mission to eat a large salad each day, piled high with leafy greens and other fresh veggies. You can also toss a handful or two of leafy greens into a morning smoothie with fresh fruit and yogurt. It will set you in motion for nutritious eating for the rest of the day.

Healthy Fats

Adequate fat sources that provide energy are vital for the body, keeping stamina going strong and keeping you from feeling unsatisfied. Not all fats are created equal, so look for Omega-3s in foods like avocados and fatty fish, including salmon and mackerel. Walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds are rich sources of these healthy fats as well.

A modest portion of these foods daily will provide lots of nutrition, keeping the body and mind in a healthy state. A lack of Omega-3s has been associated with depression, so keep your levels high as you navigate sobriety feeling strong and stable.

Whole Grains

Despite the diet myths out there, carbohydrates are not the enemy. But like fats, not all carbs are equally nutritious. Whole grains are what you want, not the empty calories found in processed foods, white bread, candy, and junk food munchies.

Whole grains are a primary source of energy, contain fiber to fill you up and keep you “regular,” and are an inexpensive food source that goes a long way. They can be integrated nearly effortlessly into any meal; consider oat bran cereal breakfast, a tuna or turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread for lunch, and whole grain pasta or wild rice with steamed veggies and a protein source for dinner.

Chock-full of B vitamins, whole grains improve mood and provide energy, both of which will lift your spirits during your recovery journey.

Eating well is a lifelong habit that will benefit you now and in years to come. As you replace drugs or alcohol with nutrients and nourishment, your health will improve, you’ll think more clearly and carefully, and your body will thank you. Make it your mission to make every meal nutritious and delicious. You be better for it with every bite.

If you or someone you know is battling addiction, holistic help is available. Contact one of our trained admissions counselors today at 866-349-1770.


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
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