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Discovering Your “Seeds” of Strength

Discovering Your "Seeds" of Strength

No matter where you are in your addiction recovery, you may want to take a few notes from nature to remind you of the milestones you reach and the goals you conquer. It may sound simple, but a holistic approach to sobriety brings a sense of interconnectedness where beauty and growth are all around us and within ourselves. While strength comes from within, nature’s energy can be encouraging and invigorating. Use that momentum to your advantage as you adjust and evolve.

Turning Over a New Leaf

Start your nature-inspired addiction recovery journey by planting some seeds in your garden or on the windowsill in a small pot with soil. As the flowers begin to blossom, compare them to your recovery achievements. You might not notice any perceptible change overnight, but the transformation will become evident over time. Patience is part of progress, so do not get discouraged. Tomorrow will be different from today—cherish that certainty.

Sometimes your flowers and plants will not make it through the season. Appreciate them for what they were and will always be by saving the dried petals and leaves pressed in a homemade photo book. Then, plant a brand new seed to represent your next chapter. One day, you will flip through a remarkable story of recovery… your story. And there will always be more memories to make. The timeline keeps going as long as you keep thriving. If you need to start a second book, consider it a sequel to your success.

Keeping Hope and Health Alive

Tending to your flowers and plants is calming and encouraging. As you water them and provide them with sunlight to see them flourish, connect that development to your progress as you recover from addiction. All of nature is integrated, including you.

Treat yourself with the same degree of care and compassion by eating nutritious, wholesome foods, staying well-hydrated, sleeping soundly, engaging with others, and appreciating every inspiring sunrise. There will be times when you wilt, but that’s when your determination can come in to pick you up and keep you going. Setbacks are just another chance to revitalize. Take a pause, then pick up where you left off. Tomorrow you can try again.

Relish in the Rewards

Seeing the fruits of your labor come to life is almost magical. What started as a tiny seed matures thanks to your love and labor. Nobody else may ever see your marigold or petunia in full bloom, but you will know how far it has come. If other people do get the opportunity to witness your sobriety experience, their admiration will be a testament to your tenacity to triumph. Allow them in at your discretion.

Small steps are as necessary as giant leaps. Some days nothing will change, and then out of the blue, you will experience a breakthrough. Hold each moment dear and do so deliberately. Recovery can be complicated, but as each day passes, be proud of having made it to the point you are at. And remember, there is always help when you need it.

Nothing is insignificant. Every transition is to be treasured. As you gently rub the petals of a flower between your fingers and inhale its delicate fragrance, know that you have something to do with making that magic. Then look at your reflection in the mirror and honor your fantastic evolution. You planted that sobriety seed. And every day, life becomes a little more beautiful.

Commit to a lifetime of sobriety, starting with holistic recovery at Beachside Rehab in West Palm Beach, Florida. We offer inpatient and outpatient detox and drug and alcohol rehab. Call 866-349-1770 to speak with one of our trained admissions counselors.

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash


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