Your Health Insurance Can Cover Your Stay in Rehab
When somebody is considering treatment for addiction to drugs, alcohol, or certain destructive behaviors the first thing they usually ask is ‘how much will it cost?’ More and more private and public insurance firms these days offer to pay for, or pay for a portion of, detoxification and rehabilitation. One of the reasons for this change is that medical professionals are beginning to see that substance abuse can have many dangerous physical effects down the line and leaving it untreated can lead to even more expensive health care requirements. In this way insurance companies are frequently willing to assist individuals who have a dangerous addiction, but you will need to check with your firm before a rehabilitation center will be able to assist you. If you are uncertain about your coverage and haven’t been able to contact your insurance company give us a call and we will find out for you. Certain treatments may be covered and not others, but health insurance will usually pay for a portion of the following rehabilitation services.
A drug detox can require specialized 24-hour care and is considered an essential part of rehabilitation. It is not recommended for addicts, especially alcoholics, to undergo a detox unsupervised as it can be a physically painful and potentially lethal process. Many health insurance firms will cover, usually partially, an inpatient (meaning you will receive 24-hour care and will only leave our facility once the detox has been successful) drug detoxification treatment. Some individuals prefer to undergo the remainder of the rehabilitation process at home with the support of family and friends, and this can also be the cheaper option.
Inpatient treatment
In more serious cases of addiction, it is recommended for individuals to reside at the rehabilitation facility. This is because long term abusers can often relapse immediately after detox and this can be prevented if the patient is monitored and does not have access to any dangerous substances. If you consider yourself a long term addict contact us and we will find out if your health insurance will cover inpatient treatment. If your medical coverage isn’t sufficient you could apply for public insurance, which can make inpatient treatment more affordable.
Outpatient treatment
The reality is that many health insurance firms will be more willing to pay for cheaper treatment options, and if this is the case with your service then outpatient treatment is an affordable rehabilitation process. An outpatient program means that you will receive treatment in one place and live at another, preferably in a safe environment with well-meaning friends or relatives. Outpatients will have sessions with counsellors at the rehabilitation facility who will check up on the individuals’ progress and offer any support they may need.
If you or a loved one need to undergo rehabilitation treatment don’t be put off by potential costs. Substance abuse is a serious medical condition which requires urgent intervention, and these days’ health insurance companies have become more aware of this fact. Check with your health insurance firm to see what services will be provided for and which you will need to pay for privately. Contact us and we can do the work for you, and we can also suggest programs which we feel will benefit you the most.