Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center in a Retreat Setting

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment program for addiction and mental health. The complexity of recovering from two distinct, yet overlapping diseases requires attention from a compassionate, committed therapy team and staff that can meet you where you are. You are not the only person going through this and our team is committed to your success.

Our treatment facility addresses co-occurring substance abuse, addiction, and mental health disorders, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Eating disorders
  • Gambling addiction
  • Sex addiction

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What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis, also known as co-occurring disorder, recognizes the unique issues that occur when someone experiences a mental illness and a substance abuse disorder simultaneously. Either one can occur first and one often lends itself to the other.

Why Dual Diagnosis Treatment is Recommended

 When mental health issues are pitted as a root cause of addiction and not treated in a dual diagnosis program, individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, or bipolar disorder can feel trapped by their mental health issue. Treatment that only addresses substance abuse simply provides a band-aid for the underlying issues. The deeper mental health issues must also be addressed.

“With a substance abuse disorder, it’s imperative to treat the co-occurring disorder simultaneously, because they are happening simultaneously,” says Grant. “The disorders also overlap so much that you could be missing an element into a patient’s addiction if you did not also treat their co-occurring diagnosis.”

group therapy at dual diagnosis treatment center

How Co-Occurring Disorders Develop

Mental illness can affect anyone; therefore, a dual diagnosis can be present in anyone. Certain types of mental illnesses are more likely to be part of a dual diagnosis than others. The most common mental illnesses associated with dual diagnosis are mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. However, sometimes a mental disorder is present due to the substance abuse.

“In early sobriety, it is challenging to differentiate between what is an authentic mental health diagnosis and how much of a patient’s mental health diagnosis is presenting due to their substance use,” says Beachside Rehab’s Clinical Director, Tabitha Grant. “Using drugs and alcohol can mask and even mimic the symptoms of mental health problems.”

What to expect at Beachside

We walk with you on this journey and we dig deeper to address the impact of drugs, alcohol, and medications on you and your loved ones.

We recommend evidence-based therapy for all substance abuse treatments. Cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing are two of the most common therapy treatments for substance abuse. Each program starts with a pre-assessment and from there the initial diagnosis will be determined. Once therapy starts, additional diagnosis or treatment options may be recommended.

We typically recommend two to three months to progress through detox and inpatient treatment. The patient can then step down into outpatient therapy for the next several months, with treatment decreasing from up to five sessions a week to once a month.