Rebuilding Relationships After Attending a Drug Rehab Facility

The return of a loved one after a visit to a drug rehab facility can be a very delicate time. Usually a recovering person has lost the trust of those who care for them. After previous hurts, uncertainties, or losses your determination to trust can be impeded. Trust grows over time and can be broken quickly. You may feel a need to control the person in recovery and to watch their every move. This can lead to frustration and potentially a relapse due to the recovering person not feeling trusted.

Forgiveness is the first step.
You can rebuild trust in a broken relationship when you accept a willingness to forgive. Without forgiveness it is difficult for the recovering person to be open, vulnerable, and honest about their emotions. Forgiveness will allow the person to be truthful in a relationship which will give insight into their needs, motivations, and fears.

Where does the responsibility lie?
Trust requires a realistic perspective and time for the recovering person to develop the ability to change and to grow. By trusting a recovering person, you acknowledge that they have good intentions and that you will lend support and compassion. You are not asking them to never cause negativity in your life as this is too great a challenge and you need to be prepared to be there for them in their low times. Ultimately your happiness is your prerogative but to act out of fear of being hurt again instead of empathy can damage a relationship further. Demeaning or punishing the addict for their behavior in the past can only inspire future negative actions.

Build trust through commitment.
The making and fulfilling of commitments builds trust. As a recovering person you may build trust again with your loved ones by honoring your commitments no matter how small. Don’t make too many promises or any you can’t keep, and trust will be slowly rebuilt. Integrity can be built with credibility of communication and consistency of action. Also remember to be patient with people who remain guarded with you, allow them to trust you in their own time.

Get the right help.
Healing should continue after drug rehabilitation. Using counseling is an effective way for you to resolve the problems brought about by drug abuse. The recovering person can deal with emotional states of shame and guilt, while the other companion is working on reconstructing faith in the relationship. Rebuilding a relationship after drug use requires patience and understanding from all involved. A counselor imparts the tools required to work through the issues ahead. Drug rehab facility programs often offer support and ongoing therapy resources. In rehab you are protected from temptation. This makes it easier for you to make it through the first weeks of sobriety. Once you return back to the world you will once again be faced with temptations. Returning from rehab doesn’t mean the drug user is totally healed. There is always a chance of a relapse. The ongoing support of a drug rehab facility can help you identify the symptoms and warning signs of relapse so that you can avert problems before they arise.