Drug Rehab: A Process
Going to a drug rehab center is not a decision that should be taken lightly. An addict needs to willingly go in order for them to have a better chance at managing their addiction. But how do you know what to expect? And what type of rehab is best for you? By taking you through the drug rehab process, you will have a glimpse into what you can expect.
Unique patients, tailored treatments
No two rehabs are the same, but they generally fall into two categories: inpatient and outpatient. The major difference being that inpatient centers require patients to live on the premises full-time during their treatment, whereas outpatient centers require the patients to visit the drug rehab center at regular intervals for treatment (allowing them to continue with their daily “normal” lives). Beyond this, the process is very similar between inpatient and outpatient clinics.
Drug detox
Every rehabilitation process has to go through a detox phase before moving on to other phases of treatment. Because of the nature of detox, the patient will need to be admitted into the center for this phase of the process. Immediately after being admitted, a diagnosis needs to take place. Typically after diagnosing the severity of addiction and history of the patient a tailored detox program is created and begun, in a sense marking the beginning of the rehabilitation process. During drug detox, you will have to completely give up drugs and let your body process what is left in order to get it out of your system. You will receive medical care throughout this withdrawal/detox phase – being guided by professionals in a safe and secure setting. Unsurprisingly, no narcotics of any kind will be allowed in any center at any time, as there should be as little temptation as possible.
Post-detox treatment plan
Drug rehab, more often than not, includes being introduced to and following the 12-step program. Also, every rehabilitation center will involve some form of counseling. Independent of the length or severity of addiction, counseling is central to all kinds of rehab centers. And as one expects, these too vary for the sake of the individual patient. For instance an introverted patient will find solace in one-on-one counseling, as they’d presumably prefer a more intimate surrounding to discuss their addiction. Whereas an extrovert could find value in other’s input on their situation, or they may find energy and some closure in relaying their story in a group counseling session. This diversity in treatments makes sense: as all patients are idiosyncratic, the treatment needs to appropriately match their unique situations.
Whatever your preference, counseling is a powerful form of healing and will potentially offer patients perspectives into the source of their addiction. They’ll be able to obtain a framework through which they can contemplate and conceptualize how to deal with their addiction. Hopefully being able to avoid a relapse in the future.
Holistic healing
While it is important to have a physical and psychological treatment plan in any rehab process, many rehab centers also believe in the power of holistic healing. Some rehabs offer a combination of physical, psychological, spiritual, and exercise related treatments. It is important that, during your stay in rehab, you focus on treating the whole and not just little parts. This is the best way to ensure that you develop the skills and knowledge needed to stay clean.
Although you may feel like you have very few choices in life, there is some measure of relief in knowing that you can at least choose how and if your rehabilitation will offer you or your loved one the ideal healing space. We always have a choice.