Tara Festa, RICSW
Primary Therapist
Tara Festa is a primary therapist and counselor at Beachside Rehab, who specializes in working with clients to build their self-esteem and help them find their self-worth.
“My goal is to help others who are struggling every day to find out what their true purpose is and to help clients see their full potential beyond their addiction,” says Tara, who has seen how addiction has affected multiple members of her family, including two of her brothers.
Originally from Long Island, NY, Tara was raised in Port St. Lucie, Florida, but left there for Tallahassee on a journey to find herself. She went to school and graduated from Tallahassee Community College before moving back to Port St. Lucie to complete her bachelor’s degree in social work from Florida Atlantic University. She also earned a master’s degree from Barry University.