Recover from Ecstasy Addiction at Beachside Rehab
Do you need help?
If you have coverage of any kind from a major insurance provider, your treatment is likely covered!What Is Ecstasy?
Who Takes Ecstasy?
The young and hip who dance the night away at raves or nightclubs were the first groups of people to use the drug, calling it “the hug drug” or “Molly”, though its use has now spread far beyond dark dance floors with strobing lights, with rehab becoming much more common. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that more than 17 million Americans have tried it and that 12.8 % of 18-25 year-olds have used it.
How Does Ecstasy Make You Feel?
It also increases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can make you feel emotionally closer to others, experience higher levels of empathy and send your mood to high places.
Users may feel these effects for about 6 hours after taking the drug, though it is more usual to come down in about 2.5 hours. Reddit threads exist that explain the longer highs of 6 hours being the result of speed being mixed with MDMA in a capsule or tablet.
What Are The Risks Of Taking Ecstasy?
Popping a pill can bring on blurred vision, chills, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, muscle cramps and sweating: These highly unpleasant side effects generally last for about 6 hours.
For about one week after taking it, some users experience anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, a lack of interest in sex, a poor appetite, memory problems, difficulty focusing, impulsiveness, and aggression.
High doses of MDMA can result in the human body failing its temperature, resulting in a risk of liver, kidney or heart failure and, possibly, death.
The artificial closeness to others that MDMA makes you feel can result in you making unsafe decisions about sexual encounters and leave you at risk for HIV/AIDS or hepatitis, as evidenced in the youth’s stories told in many ecstasy rehab centers. Also, being high on MDMA means that you may not be as concerned for your safety as when you are sober, as the drug can cloud your instincts about people.
Long Term Effects Of Taking Ecstasy
A study has shown that your frontal cortex changes when you use ecstasy heavily, defined as taking more than 700 tablets, which results in a lessening of your cognitive and psychomotor ability. Though these abilities remain within normal range, the changes are seen as irreversible.
For a small number of ecstasy users, serious depression may result from long-term use.
Though ecstasy has not been shown to be a risk for its users in terms of holding down a job or rejecting criminal behavior, it has been shown to be a gateway drug, leading its users to experiment with other more lethal substances like heroin.
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If you or a loved one is seeking help for alcohol or drug addiction, please call us today.
Ecstasy is Not Always Pure MDMA
The fact that it is regularly sold as MDMA mixed with other substances or indeed without any MDMA, means that buying this drug is a risky proposition: An inpatient ecstasy rehabilitation facility will usually offer education about the other drugs a user may have been exposed to.
How Is Ecstasy Addiction Treated?
Currently, there are no pharmacological treatments for addiction like there are for treating alcohol addiction. The National Institute on Drug Abuse points to cognitive behavior interventions that have shown positive outcomes in teaching people how to change the way they think, what they expect, and how they act, with a focus on developing the skills necessary to deal with stress as it arises in lives.
Although there are several treatment options in ecstasy rehab, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the best rehab for ecstasy addiction includes CBT as it is a widely known, has been shown to achieve positive outcomes in treating ecstasy addiction.
CBT is a type of talk therapy that is based on a simple principle; that our thoughts, and not external factors like people, situations, and happenings, cause our feelings. CBT therapists like those working in an ecstasy addiction rehab center, walk with you in achieving the goal of moving beyond your addiction to ecstasy.
In ecstasy rehab, like that provided at Beachside Rehab, an ecstasy rehab in Florida, you can choose from various treatment options such as individual therapy; group therapy; family counseling; EDMR therapy; expressive art therapy; educational drug addiction therapy; and after care programs.
One More Thing
Education about the dangers of popping E is important for the health of global youth cultures, and if you’d have children or young people in your life that you’d like to educate about ecstasy, here is an award-winning guide to get you started.
Get the Help you Deserve Today
As a chronic disease, addiction must be managed like arthritis, diabetes, and other ailments. With Beachside, a full recovery isn’t just a possibility, it’s a common goal that we believe all clients can achieve with hard work and a positive outlook.
Whether you notice the signs of drug addiction in a loved one or yourself, it doesn’t have to be like this. Help is just a phone call away. Choose to enter luxury drug rehab today and receive exceptional care in a luxurious and serene atmosphere. Call us today to get the help you deserve.
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