Plano Rehab for Drug & Alcohol Addiction
The key is asking for help now, getting yourself to a rehab facility that can help you through detox and recovery, and gaining the tools you need to control your addiction in the future.
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Why Drugs Make You Feel So Good
Drugs activate the reward center of the brain by flooding it with dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that regulates things like emotions and pleasure, among other things. When you take a drug, therefore, your brain is bombarded by a chemical that makes you feel happy, producing a sense of euphoria, and teaching your brain to desire more. Over time, however, the neurons in your brain adapt to the drug, and that’s why you need to take increasing amounts to achieve the same effect. While this is colloquially called a drug or alcohol tolerance, you may hear it referred to as dependence during the course of your Plano addiction treatment.
Recovery Is About Whole-Body Wellness
During your time at a Plano alcohol rehab and drug addiction facility, your treatment will include nutritional meals to help your body recover, therapy to help you address the causes and consequences of your addiction, and activities that will keep your mind engaged and your body active as you overcome your addiction. You’ll also learn stress-management techniques and coping strategies that will help you avoid temptation in the future, and that is the key to a long, happy, and drug-free life.
Keeping Up Good Habits When You Leave Rehab
Beachside Rehab provides effective addiction treatment for alcohol and the following drugs: heroin, cocaine, crack, ecstasy, methamphetamine, oxycontin, opiates/opioids and prescription medications. We accept most major insurance policies. If you have questions or concerns about your insurance coverage for rehabilitation, call Beachside Rehab at 866-349-1770.
- Finding new friends and staying away from friends who are still using
- Staying active and keeping fit
- Exploring new hobbies
- Staying away from temptation
- Practising your new-found coping mechanisms
- Managing and avoiding triggers
- Setting limits and boundaries for yourself
Drugs and alcohol affect the pleasure centers of the brain, so it’s no wonder that 10 percent of Americans struggle with addiction. But just because addiction affects so many people doesn’t mean you have to be one of them, and getting help from the best rehab in Plano can help you achieve this. Not only will you get sober here at Beachside Rehab, but you’ll also learn just how good physical and mental health can feel, how amazing it is to be back in control of your life, and just how incredible your drug- and alcohol-free life can truly be.
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How Long Is Inpatient Treatment for Mental Health?
One of the most common questions about inpatient mental health treatment is, “How long will it take?”
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