Jay started drinking and partying with friends at the age of 16. Every day after school, he and his friends would smoke marijuana and drink. But after high school, Jay’s partying habits soon started to take control of his life.
He started dabbling in prescription drugs. “In college, I went from drinking to taking Percocet and Oxycontin,” Jay says. “Once I moved on to that, it became an everyday occasion, and when the ball got rolling, it was hard to stop.”
The Long Road to a Healthy Recovery
After being indicted for three counts of trafficking cocaine, Jay was faced with a decision. “I was trafficking cocaine to support my habit,” he says. “I got two years of probation out of it, and I had the option to go to jail or go to my first rehab.”
But his first rehab experience pushed him even further into addiction. “After about 45 days in, some of the guys relapsed, and I was trying to find some pain pills,” Jay explains. “They didn’t know where to get them, but they knew where to get heroin, and I said all right, give me some of that. That’s when I had my first hit of heroin.”
For the next eight months, Jay spiraled downward. “Anything and everything I could get my hands on was going in me. Alcohol, heroin, crack, benzos – everything.” Jay says.
Finding Beachside Rehab
When facing addiction, many patients tell us there is a single moment or event when they realize it’s time to make a change. For Jay, the realization came to him as he was lying on the bathroom floor, defeated by his addiction. “I hollered at my friend that was living with me, and I told him to call the ambulance and call my parents,” Jay says. “I knew right then I was giving up; I was either going to die, or I was going to do something different.”
After being released from the hospital, Jay started his recovery. “Dave from Beachside picked me up at the airport and brought me here to the facilities at beachside,” Jay says. “Just the drive over the island was amazing. I hadn’t been to Florida in years. Being near the beach and seeing the water was peaceful and calming.”
Healing the Mind and Body
At Beachside, we utilize mind, body, and spiritual elements to provide an enhanced recovery program for each individual. We’re is located on Hutchison Island on the coast of Florida, providing a tranquil, relaxing environment for optimal recovery.
Upon arrival, clients are assigned a therapist and begin work right away to create an individual therapy plan and long-term program designed to instill positive thinking and prevent relapse.
The power of hope in recovery is instrumental.
“I started following my hope and following their suggestions, and that hope turned into faith,” Jay says. “I was able to get okay inside, and everything else outside is just that much better. It was an amazing experience at Beachside; I get chill bumps just thinking about it.”
At Beachside, we are passionate about guiding people into a life where they can find inner peace, hope, and the addiction-free life they deserve. If Jay’s story resonates with you and you feel like it’s time to begin your own journey to recovery, we are here for you. Please call us today at 888-979-7724 to speak to one of our admissions counselors.