Marriage is a commitment that isn’t always an easy ride. Ups, downs, and in-betweens are all part of the adventure, making the journey a bumpy but ultimately rewarding road.
In situations of alcohol or drug addiction, “for better, or for worse” becomes more than a preamble to the “I do’s.” As a supportive spouse, your help during this time will be key, especially as your spouse embarks on detox or rehab at a center for addiction recovery.
Compassion and commitment can lead to change. Here’s how to get back to the “for better.”
No More Hiding or Holding Back
A spouse who is struggling with an addiction may hide his hurt, avoid discussions about it, and abuse alcohol or drugs to mask the pain. The time will eventually come to talk about these issues without secrecy, shame, or second-guessing. Perhaps there is stress that has spiraled out of control or emotions that have been bottled up for far too long.
Discussing these issues may not be easy, but once communication begins, these conversations can be freeing. Be it the drinker who opens up the lines of communication, or the spouse who has come to terms with the severity of the situation, honesty is the only way to tackle the topic and head toward a path of healing.
Understanding why a spouse has fallen victim to his or her addiction is part of the rehabilitation process. Surely, it was never her intention for this issue to snowball into a serious situation. The partner must become educated about substance abuse to better understand the spouse’s struggles and fears. Seek out information online, from a professional, or within a support group.
Craft an Action Plan with a Professional Perspective
Seeking professional help is a step in the right direction. Be it a counselor, group, rehab center, addiction center, detox center, or alcohol treatment center, talking to a trained professional about a dependency-free future is a positive plan of action.
Change may not come quickly or easily, but it’s important to avoid the blame game, especially in a marriage. There are stages that must be worked through, setbacks that may feel discouraging, and pushback that will be frustrating throughout the process. Patience is paramount, and a shoulder to lean on can be the strongest thing a spouse can offer for support. With personal strength and professional help, change can come, leading to a future that’s centered on sobriety.
For couples interested in learning more about a holistic option for treatment, our trained admissions counselors can answer your questions and address any concerns. Although only one spouse may need rehab, the couple’s shared values are always considered as recovery takes shape. Don’t hesitate to call us at 866-349-1770.