How To Secure Your Mental Health in Time for Back to School

Summer is earmarked for vacation and rest, but it can also be mentally and emotionally taxing for parents. Anyone who struggles with their mental health may find stress levels rising the closer the household gets to back-to-school season. This is a time when your children need you most and you may feel the most fragile. Protect your own mental wellness so you can find balance and be there for your kids.

Back-to-School Season’s Mental Health Impacts

It is a major oversight to ignore the mental well-being of parents at back-to-school time, whether a child is stepping foot into preschool for the first time, navigating middle school, or moving away from home for college. The challenges are there — and so are plenty of feelings.

Anxiety can appear when you think about what happened in other years, but anxiety is especially catapulted to the forefront when you worry about what’s to come. In other words, the things you cannot control and questions you cannot answer are what feed anxiety the most.

Some of the most common concerns parents have include:

  • Will my child’s teacher(s) understand their needs?
  • Will my child’s peers be nice to them?
  • Will I have to interact with certain parents again?
  • Can my child handle their new responsibilities?
  • Did I do enough to prepare my child for what’s ahead?

Ruminating over questions with as-yet unknowable answers will begin to overwhelm even the most stable mental health. If positivity and calm are absent, it’s time to consider a significant, concentrated method for managing mental well-being before the first day of school begins.

Benefits of Inpatient Holistic Therapy for Parents

To ease the transition into the school year, concentrated time in outpatient or inpatient treatment will help manage mental health. This environment is dedicated to addressing anxieties effectively and providing powerful coping tools:

  • Support: Whether one-on-one with a therapist, group therapy, art therapy, or otherwise, find your sweet spot in treatment so you can support yourself outside of holistic therapy.
  • Relaxation: Learn how to relax through meditation, yoga, and other forms of stress management which can be used almost anytime, from back-to-school night to back-to-school shopping.
  • Scheduling: Kids thrive on a schedule, and adults can enjoy a daily routine too. Learn how to create a manageable schedule with the help of a therapist to keep yourself and your kids on track.
  • Medication: Discover whether it’s beneficial for you to manage your mental health with medication so you can stay healthy every day. The medical team in holistic therapy unravels potential medication benefits.
  • Daily tweaks: Develop solutions to daily obligations to lessen the mental load. Abandon habits that exhaust and stress you out, from checking grades every day to packing the same lunch ad nauseum.

Holistic therapy allows you to take a time-out to help yourself and lead by example for your kids. To be the best parent you can be for your child’s sake, no matter their age or stage of life, you must take care of yourself first.

Be Honest with Yourself About Your Back-to-School Anxiety

You know your children best — who’s eager for school and who would rather be anywhere else. Awareness of your child’s personality and habits can have you consciously and unconsciously worrying about the late nights ahead, when kids can’t sleep and initiate long, emotional talks when your brain is ready for downtime. Moments like these leave you with their concerns on top of your own. That’s a lot for anyone to carry.

The reality, as every parent knows, is that the back-to-school worries do not end once that first day is complete. The real stuff happens through homework, friendships, frenemies, bullies, projects, and extracurriculars, and with these givens come disappointment, joy, fear, anxiety, sadness, excitement, and more. Emotions will ride a wave all year — but if you have the tools to manage those emotions for yourself, you can help your child do the same.

A child’s questions and concerns often mirror a parent’s worries, but parents also have additional stress that affects their mental health. If you have a neurodivergent child, an anxious child, a quiet child, or a child who has had difficulties in school, the worries multiply. Not knowing the answers to your most pressing concerns is enough to put your mental health into a tailspin which isn’t good for you or your child. Knowing that your child depends on your mental wellness is an additional piece of stress.

Prioritize yourself at this stressful time of year. You deserve it and you have earned it. Don’t hesitate to pursue holistic therapy treatment at Beachside Rehab in West Palm Beach, Florida. Our clinically driven retreat offers individual care and structured programs for achieving mental health and wellness at any time of life. Contact us to discuss inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment and holistic recovery in a luxury retreat setting. Call today at 866-349-1770 to speak with a trained admissions counselor.


Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash