For some people, summer is a season of fun. But for addicts, the long days and loose schedule can have dire consequences.
Instead of battling addiction on your own this summer, consider seeking treatment at a luxury rehab center. Here are six reasons why summer can be a great time to start your healing journey.
Avoid Summertime Partying
Summer is filled with celebrations—but not necessarily ones that are healthy for recovering addicts. Alcohol and other substances flow freely during the long, lazy days and nights. In a season of backyard barbecues, pool parties, and outdoor bar nights, it’s easy to get swept up in the festive atmosphere. But if you spend your summer in rehab, you’ll excuse yourself from the warm weather excesses and avoid the temptation toward substance abuse. You’ll skip a notoriously difficult season to maintain sobriety, replacing it with the treatment you need to recover and reclaim an addiction-free life.
Escape Vacation Triggers
Though summer is a popular time to travel, substance abuse can be exacerbated when you’re away from a regular routine. It’s easy to slip into unhealthy behaviors when the rules are relaxed and inhibitions are low. But if you spend the summer in rehab, you will remove yourself from that free-for-all situation and learn how to manage your triggers. Rehab can provide the structure and support you need to enjoy an addiction-free life. Plus, if you seek treatment in a vacation destination, it can almost feel like a much-needed getaway.
Use Vacation Time from Work
Summer is a common time to take vacation from work, providing the perfect opportunity to pursue treatment for addiction. Your workload may be lighter in summer, with half-day Fridays and a more relaxed atmosphere, which can translate to less concern about missing key deadlines. And if you prefer to keep your personal life private, summertime provides the perfect cover for a stay in rehab. Your absence from work will be less conspicuous during the warmer months, when everyone is coming and going from their own vacations.
Take Advantage of the Academic Hiatus
If you’re a parent, most of your year is dedicated to helping your kids stay on track with their studies and extracurricular activities. But summer is a season of freedom, which eases your family’s responsibilities. Going to rehab while school is out means less disruption to your regular life. And with the proper treatment, you’ll be ready to reassume your role when school starts in the fall. If you are a student yourself, the summer break is a great time to go to rehab and gear up to start the fall semester substance-free.
Put a Holiday Plan in Place
Seeking addiction treatment in summer can put you in a good position to celebrate the holidays sober. The winter holidays are a notoriously challenging season, replete with the temptation of alcohol-filled celebrations as well as the stress of family gatherings and gift giving. But if you seek addiction treatment in summer, you can start the winter holidays with a plan in place to avoid temptation. Plus, at a dual diagnosis treatment center, you can receive treatment for co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and others. A summer in rehab can equip you with the tools you need to a live a healthy, addiction-free life.
Beat the January Rehab Rush
January is a popular time to seek treatment for addiction, as individuals resolve to get healthy in the new year. By going to rehab during the summer, you’ll beat the New Year’s rehab rush and start your journey toward recovery before the holidays even arrive. You can get the help you need right away, with less chance of being placed on a waiting list for treatment. After all, the right time to get clean is right now.
Make the most of the sunny season by pursuing recovery in an intimate healing setting. By spending the summer in rehab, you can set the stage for healthy living all year long.
Are you looking for a fresh start this summer? Contact our trained admissions counselors at (888) 984-5288 to learn more about drug and alcohol treatment at Beachside Rehab.